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South Iredell Athletic Association

General Youth Basketball Info

General Basketball Information - Registration opens October 1st

All registration is online.  If you have special requests (ie: can't practice on Wednesdays), please include that in the comments field of your child's registration.  All requests will be printed and shared with coaches, but cannot be guaranteed (church and scout commitments have priority).
Coach Meeting: Monday, November 4, 2024. Be sure you’re registered as a volunteer online this season so you’ll be included in our coach & assistant emails! We currently need coaches and assistants for every grade level.

WANTED: Basketball Co-Commissioners and Grade Coordinators! As our program continues to grow, we need more help! You could act as a liaison between the coaches and board, and/or be a contact person for one of the grades and/or gyms. Scheduling and emails are already handled by our executive director, but we need volunteers to help with planning and logistics. It's a great way to teach your children about volunteering, while supporting your community. Please email [email protected] and register as a volunteer online if you're interested.

WANTED: Basketball Equipment Manager. 
It's an easy way to become involved with minimum time requirement! Fill team bags with pinnies & balls, deliver to WHMS on Skills Day, and your job is done until we collect them after the final games. Your kids & their friends can earn service hours helping you, too! 

Grades 1-8 Basketball

Skills Day Saturday, Nov 16; the schedule will be posted under the Skills Day tab. All players in grades 1-8 are expected to attend; Games will run through a few drills and receive ratings of A, B or C.  These are fun and certainly not anything for your child to stress over; it simply helps coaches create evenly experienced/talented teams, as they will each draft a team with a combination of ratings. Our goal is to have every team win at least half of their games, so it's fun for everyone!  All players will be notified of their team that same week.

*We still need coaches, in order to keep team sizes low. Please register ASAP at!

Grade 1-8 practices begin the week after draft. Games will run on Saturdays, starting in mid-December. Playoffs are typically held the last weekend of February/first weekend in March. Boys and Girls play in separate leagues. Games and practices are held at Iredell-Statesville Schools throughout Mooresville. 

At this time, girls grades are combined: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. Boys grades are not combined except for grades 7/8.

Kindergarten Basketball:
  January 4, 2024 - February 22, 2025. All kindergarten games are played at Lake Norman Elementary on Saturday mornings. "Games" are structured to include 30 minutes of instruction and 30 minutes of scrimmage.  Teams are Co-ed. 

High School Basketball: 
January 4, 2024 - February 22, 2025. All games played at Lake Norman High School on Saturday AND Sunday afternoons. Our high school teams coach themselves, and certified referees officiate. They do not hold practices.  SIAA offers teams for HS boys only at this time, but if your daughter is interested in playing, please let us know.
We Need Sponsors!
 Please ask your favorite business to sponsor your child's team - many companies have money set aside for community support and/or charitable contributions; they just need to be asked! Sponsors will have the business name on the team’s t-shirts and be advertised on our website an in league-wide emails (over 2600 families).  They'll also receive a recognition plaque.  Find more details on this Sponsor Form and send it back, or simply register online as a sponsor under the player’s name.  Questions? Contact Tracy deRoos at [email protected].

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

Practices will begin the week after Skills Day, and each team may practice twice a week until games begin (one weeknight, one weekend spot). Once games begin, each team will practice once a week. Coaches choose their day/location at the draft, so we don't know which day your child will practice yet. You should hear from your coach after Skills Day.

Games run until playoffs the last weekend of February and/or first weekend of March. We do NOT plan to skip any weekends, other than the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks.

Every team needs a sponsor - register online, or print this SPONSOR FORM for more details.  Many businesses have money budgeted each year for charitable contributions, and simply need to be asked!

Local Basketball Rules, hoop height, foul shot distances, ball sizes, etc can all be found under the Basketball tab on our website, Rules may be updated this year, to incorporate some suggestions discussed with the surrounding leagues we are playing with this season (SCAA, LYAA, SCAA). Updated rules are posted under the Basketball tab.

Service hours are easy with SIAA! Email [email protected] if your teen would be willing to help with Skills Day check-ins, and/or sorting basketball equipment for coach bags. An adult must be present.

SIAA coaches use an A-B-C or 1-5 rating system to rate each player's level of experience. Each team is made up of a mix of these, in hopes that every team is able to win half of their games. Every registered player will be placed on a team; there are no "cuts" in rec ball.

See you at Skills Day!

Please Note the Following Cancellation Fees May Apply: 
 Cancel Prior to Skills Day, $10 
 Cancel 2 days after draft and/or team selection, $25 
*Refunds requested 3 or more days AFTER draft and/or team selection cannot be honored ********************************************************************************************************


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